Roberto delivers a powerful message of Hope and Love as you would love yourself.
His amazing journey a child who dream of becoming an attorney and politician
To become a powerful drug kingpin. This is the story of a man, who started out life
Innocently: saw his dreams destroyed in 3 seconds, imprisoned, and ultimately left
In a hotel room. His miraculous recovery and will to survive has made him and
inspiration to those who feel ther’s no hope. turning his life aroundand will to survive has made him
an inspiration to shose who feel there’s no hope. Turning his life around and enduring many
challenges and obstacles he his aspiring to revice his Doctorate Degree in addiction studies
He believes that al children to today can obtain anything they want they just need
encouragement and love. He often says”If we don’t love and encourage our children Ipromosie
you there is a criminal element out there that will. “ roberto believes in fighting for those
that are lost and share with them a love he never had to be the man he is today. his message has been heard by millions
troughout th countryand world. He has spoken and inpacted audiences from Chile, Italy, Brazil, Mexico
and trought the United States.
(630) 809-1388
© 2024. All rights reserved. Roberto G. Flores